Saturday, July 9, 2011

Here there is hope!

Though your heart is bad, there is another heart that is good; and the goodness of that heart is a ground of exhortation to you. You remember Christ said, "Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavyladen," and then his argument would come to this, "for I am meek and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest to your souls." Your heart is proud and high, and black, and lustful; but look at Christ's heart, it is meek and lowly. There is your encouragement. Do you feel tonight your sin? Christ is meek; if you come to him he will not spurn you. Do you feel your insignificance and worthlessness? Christ is lowly; he will not despise you. If Christ's heart were like your heart, you would be damned to a certainty. But Christ's heart is not as your heart, nor his ways like your ways. I can see no hope for you when I look into your hearts, but I can see plenty of hope when I look into Christ's heart.

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